
Matthew Luskin

Matthew Luskin is a Lecturer of Conservation Science at the University of Queensland and leads the Ecological Cascades Lab (www.ecologicalcascades.com). Dr Luskin a wildlife ecologist studying rainforest vertebrates and plant-animal interactions, with a focus on the world’s most threatened tropical forests. He spent 10 years in Southeast Asia for his PhD at UC Berkeley and postdoc with the Smithsonian Institution. Dr Lusin has worked on apex predators like tigers (Luskin et al 2017a, Nature Communications), hunting (Luskin et al 2014, Harrison et al 2016, Conservation Biology), oil palm expansion (Luskin et al 2017b, Nature Communications), and the cascading effects of altered wildlife on plant-animal interactions (Luskin et al 2019 Applied Ecology, Luskin et al 2021 PRSB), as well as ‘pure/basic science’ questions in plant-animal interactions (Jia et al & Luskin 2018, PNAS; Song, Lim, Yang & Luskin 2020 Ecology Letters; Williams, Brodie & Luskin 2021 Nature Communications).


宋晓阳目前就职于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园从事森林生态学研究。 他于 2017 年从中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园获得生态学博士学位,博士期间主要针对云南典型森林群落生物多样性格局和群落更新进行研究。他的研究兴趣包括森林群落构建和生物多样性维持、森林更新与气候变化以及大尺度生物多样性格局与维持机制。目前在Ecology LettersJournal of ecology等国际生态学期刊上发表论文10余篇。