Robin Heinen
【个人简介】Robin Heinen is a Research Associate and Ecologist at the Technical University of Munich. His work centers around three main themes; 1) soil-plant-insect interactions, 2) the consequences of plant chemical diversity for ecological interactions above- and belowground, and 3) the ecological effects of global change drivers (in particular artificial light at night and extreme climatic events) on plant-insect interactions. He teaches students about biodiversity, zoology and ecology in landscape planning. He obtained his PhD at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) and Leiden University, focusing on soil legacy effects on plant-insect interactions. Robin is also a Senior Editor at Annals of Applied Biology, and an Associate Editor at Functional Ecology.
【报告题目】Plant chemical diversity at different scales: causes and consequences
【报告摘要】I will share some insights into the work I have done on plant chemical diversity and its consequences for shaping plant interactions. I will talk about several recent findings from my team on this subject, and will also include a short perspective for the future.
【个人简介】刘艳杰,研究员,中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所生物入侵生态学学科组PI,中国生态学会生物入侵生态专业委员会副秘书长,中国生态学会种群生态专业委员会委员,生态学期刊Ecology、Journal of Ecology、Journal of Applied Ecology、Oikos与Oecologia编委。长期从事生物入侵生态学研究,主要以控制实验与数据整合分析为研究手段,围绕植物入侵过程中多样化的互作关系,系统阐释外来植物成功入侵的进化与适应机制。以第一/通讯作者在生态学主流期刊发表学术论文40余篇。