
Margaret Mayfield

Margaret (Margie) Mayfield is a community ecologist interested in how plant communities form and are maintained. Her work spans theoretical and applied topics including coexistence theory, functional ecology, macro ecology, restoration ecology and biodiversity conservation. She earned my PhD at Stanford University, where she worked with Paul Ehrlich and Gretchen Daily to understand how human land use changes impacted on tropical plant communities. She then completed a postdoctoral fellowship with Jonathan Levine, at the University of California Santa Barbara, working at the interface of population ecology and community ecology. Her work with Jonathan focused on using coexistence theory to improve our understanding of community assembly. In 2007, she moved to Australia to the University of Queensland where she has been ever since. She is now a Professor of plant ecology and the Head of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Queensland.



 李远智,博士,中山大学生命科学学院副教授,先后获得厦门大学、兰州大学和Université de Sherbrooke生态学专业的学士、硕士和博士学位,主要从事植物功能性状与多样性维持机制的研究。目前主要对植物功能生态位占据模式的时空变化,高阶相互作用与功能性状对森林群落动态的影响进行研究,相关结果以一作身份在生态学主流期刊National Science ReviewNew PhytologistJournal of EcologyEcologyAnnals of Botany 上发表。担任Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution期刊特邀编辑,并为EcologyJournal of EcologyFunctional EcologyProceedings BAnnals of Botany等多个期刊审稿。