James (JC) Cahill
James (JC) Cahill is a professor of experimental plant ecology in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta. His research group has many dimensions, with the general focus at the intersection of root ecology and community assembly. His lab uses diverse field and greenhouse studies to identify ecological mechanisms underlying plant-soil, plant-fungal, and plant-plant interactions. The mechanistic work complements ongoing studies in how global change drivers impact the maintenance of biodiversity. Current efforts are heavily focused on understanding how livestock grazing practices impact soil inputs and microbiome composition, with impacts for C sequestration and species loss. Additional ongoing project are focused on invasive species, plant social interactions, and root foraging. To date, Cahill has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles, including many in leading journals such as Science, PNAS, Ecology Letters, New Phytologist, and Journal of Ecology.
Community assembly, species invasion, and tests of functional effects of soil microbiomes
Over the last several decades, plant ecologists have moved away from a resource-competition mindset of plant interactions to one that incorporates complex interactions among plants, resources and the soil microbial community. Microbially mediated interactions have the potential to enhance species coexistence through negative plant-soil feedbacks, and they can alter the delivery of ecosystem goods and services through changes in plant growth and carbon dynamics. However, there is a large gap between the recognition of the potential importance of the soil microbiome and evidence of direct impacts. With a series of studies, I will demonstrate efforts by my lab group to identify the unique role of the soil microbiome of plant community structure, often finding reduced impacts relative to expectation derived from theories of community assembly. Examples in this talk will be drawn from primarily grassland systems where we have studies plant-soil interactions for over 20 years.
刘宇,华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院教授,博士生导师。研究工作围绕土壤病原菌对森林生物多样性维持作用(Janzen-Connell效应、病原菌调控的稀有种优势),探讨气候变暖对土壤病原菌维持森林树种多样性的影响。相关成果以第一作者发表于Nature Communications、New Phytologist、Journal of Ecology、Ecology等。
母树周围病原菌的累积抑制同种幼苗的更新,即Janzen-Connell效应,可促进森林树种共存和多样性维持。此外,经典的“植物病害三角”指出植物病害的发生不仅需要病原菌遇到其寄主植物,还需要适宜病害发生的环境条件。因此,有必要将病原菌维持森林物种共存(Janzen-Connell效应)和经典的“植物病害三角” 框架联系起来,通过研究全球变暖背景下Janzen-Connell效应强度的改变,进而预测全球变暖对森林生物多样性所造成的间接影响。此外,本报告还将介绍我们近期在百山祖25公顷亚热带森林动态监测样地开展的有关细根性状与病原菌防御的初步研究结果。