Cyrille Violle
Cyrille Violle(PhD, 2007, Univ. Montpellier) is a CNRS senior researcher in the Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE) at Montpellier, France. He is a functional ecologist who has gained extensive experience and international recognition in ecology, in particular functional ecology (his 2007 Oikos paper on functional traits has been cited 4,000 times) and community ecology (his 2012 Trends in Ecology and Evolution paper on intraspecific trait variability in community ecology has been cited 1,500 times). He has done both empirical and theoretical work. He has long had expressed strong interests in developing concepts, very often beyond his primary research area, as well as in coordinating field work, special issues, international workshops and networks. He has developed three main research axes: (i) investigating macroecological laws; (ii) investigating community assembly processes; (iii) investigating the ecological and evolutionary drivers of species traits, trade-offs and ecological strategies in both wild and cultivated species.
南京大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师。主要从事生物统计学教学,草地群落生态学基础研究。2008年博士毕业于兰州大学,曾在法国Grenoble-Alpes大学高寒生态学实验室、北京大学生态系、加拿大McGill大学生物系从事联合培养博士、博士后和访问学者学习。过去二十年,较系统研究了青藏高原高寒草地植物功能(性状)多样性时空变化及其成因,揭示了土壤磷缺失是草地退化的重要驱动因素、植物种内性状变异调控草地群落过程。现兼任美国Cornell大学唐氏•康奈尔-中国学者,Journal of Applied Ecology、Functional Ecology等期刊编委(Associate Editor)。