
Lutz Becks
【个人简介】 Lutz Becks is a professor of Limnology at the University of Konstanz. He finished his PhD at the University of Cologne in 2006. Following that, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Cornell University (USA) and the Toronto University (Canada). From 2011 to 2018, he held the position of Principal Investigator at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology (Germany). His research focuses on eco-evolutionary dynamics in complex systems, as well as the evolution of endosymbiosis and sexual reproduction in an ecological context.
【报告题目】 Indirect response to external drivers through trait variation in predator-prey systems
【报告摘要】 It has been suggested that feedbacks between ecological and trait dynamics allow systems to buffer external perturbations. Although this is a popular idea, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. For example, it is not clear whether and how trait variance determines the potential for buffering and the degree of buffering, i.e. the divergence from the initial state of the system before the perturbation. Furthermore, the role of trait variation in buffering different types of perturbation, e.g. an increase in mortality, a change in the condition/health of individuals or a change in the strength of species interactions, is largely unknown. However, this is important for predicting the ecological state of a system following a disturbance (e.g. high or low biomass, extinction or persistence) and the trait diversity that is maintained. The latter determines the potential to buffer against future disturbances. Thus, understanding the feedback between traits and system dynamics (e.g. temporal changes in biomass) is a prerequisite for predicting responses to changing environmental conditions. I will present results from a series of experiments and model analyses that show how trait variation influences the dynamics of the ecological system, and the impact of perturbations on system dynamics. The latter has a feedback effect on the maintenance of trait variation, which depends on the trade-off between traits and their shape.

【个人简介】张致杰,现于德国康斯坦茨大学从事博士后研究,2020年于康斯坦茨大学获得生态学博士学位,2016年于复旦大学获得生态学硕士学位。主要方向为结合理论与实验研究物种的演化与共存。以第一作者身份在Nature Ecology and Evolution, Science Advances, Ecology Letters, Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Trends in Microbiology等杂志发表多篇文章。
【报告摘要】物种前所未有的灭绝速度凸显了恢复生物多样性的紧迫性。保护生物多样性的效果很大程度上取决于我们对物种共存能力的准确预测。然而,共存往往具有环境依赖性,既在不同条件下共存的结果会有所不同。在本次报告中,我首先会通过几个例子展示共存确实取决于环境背景。其次,我将展示共存的环境依赖性可通过机理模型(mechanistic model)准确预测。第三,我将展示这种机理模型如何能帮助我们理解进化与物种共存之间的相互作用。