Eoin O’Gorman
【个人简介】Eoin O’Gorman completed his degree in biological sciences and PhD in marine ecology at University College Cork, with Mark Emmerson as his PhD supervisor. He secured a 2-year Irish Research Council fellowship at University College Dublin before moving to Queen Mary University of London for a post-doc with Guy Woodward, where he first started working on the Hengill geothermal system in Iceland – the subject of his talk. He went on to a 5-year NERC fellowship at Imperial College London before securing a lectureship at the University of Essex, where he has been based since 2019. His research is focused on understanding the impacts of global change across multiple levels of biological organisation in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. He seeks simple rules that lead to stabilising structures, with a focus on body size as a key functional attribute that drives interactions and self-organisation in food webs.
【报告题目】Warming indirectly simplifies food webs through effects on apex predators
【报告摘要】Warming alters ecosystems through direct physiological effects on organisms and indirect effects via biotic interactions, but their relative impacts in the wild are unknown due to the difficulty in warming natural environments. Here, we bridge this gap by embedding manipulative field experiments within a natural stream temperature gradient to test whether warming and apex fish predators have interactive effects on freshwater ecosystems. Fish exerted cascading effects on algal production and microbial decomposition via both green and brown pathways in the food web, but only under warming. Neither temperature nor the presence of fish altered food web structure alone, but connectance and mean trophic level declined as consumer species were lost when both drivers acted together. A mechanistic model indicates that this temperature-induced trophic cascade is determined primarily by altered interactions, which cautions against extrapolating the impacts of warming from reductionist approaches that do not consider the wider food web.

【个人简介】赵磊,中国农业大学资源与环境学院副教授,博导,中国生态学学会生态模型专业委员会委员,《应用生态学报》青年编委、 Ecology & Evolution编委、英国生态学会基金评审专家。长期从事理论生态学研究,主要研究方向包括生物多样性与群落稳定性、全球变化对群落结构和功能的影响、生态网络与群落动力学等。相关论文以第一/通讯作者(含并列)发表于Nature Communications、Nature Ecology & Evolution、Nature Climate Change、Ecology Letters等期刊。更多信息请访问http://faculty.cau.edu.cn/zl101/