Nathan Swenson
Nathan Swenson is a professor of biology at the University of Maryland. He is a tropical plant field biologist by training with a research focus on using phylogenetic and functional information to understand the distribution and dynamics of biodiversity through space and time. He received his Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology in 2008 from the University of Arizona and was a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics with the Center for Tropical Forest Science at the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University.  In recognition of his work integrating phylogenetic and functional trait information across scales, he has been named a Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. He also received a 2011 Jasper Loftus-Hills Young Investigator’s Award from the American Society of Naturalists and the 2012 Ebbe Nielsen Prize from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Since he began his Ph.D. in 2004. Swenson has published over 150 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and two books, and he has received 12 research grants from the National Science Foundation funding his work on topics ranging from ecosystem carbon flux to gene expression.



杨洁,2013年获中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园博士学位,现为中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究员,博士生导师。主要从事基于群落系统发育和功能性状的森林群落构建与物种共存机制研究。相关研究成果发表在Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Journal of Ecology, Functional Ecology等刊物上。