【个人简介】Scott L. Collins received his PhD from the University of Oklahoma in 1981. Paul Risser was his PhD advisor. After a postdoc with Dr. Ralph Good at Rutgers University he returned to the University of Oklahoma as an Assistant and then Associate Professor of Botany. In 1992 he moved to the National Science Foundation where he served as a Program Director in various programs including Ecology, LTER, Conservation and Restoration Biology, TECO, and Integrated Research Challenges. His research uses both long term measurements and experimental manipulations to determine how disturbances, such as fire and drought, interact with global environmental change to affect arid land plant community composition and structure. He has also worked extensively in tallgrass prairie as part of the Konza Prairie Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) Program since 1988 where he is involved in a multi-institution project on Ecosystem Convergence in which they are comparing fire, climate and herbivore effects on tallgrass prairie in North America and mesic Savanna grassland in Kruger National Park, South Africa.
【报告题目】Sensitivity vs. Asynchrony: Responses of grassland net primary production to precipitation variability
【报告摘要】Two common themes characterize much recent research in grassland ecology. The first is primarily associated with community ecology and focuses on species asynchrony as a mechanism to stabilize aboveground net primary production (ANPP) in response to precipitation variability. In most cases stability is quantified by the variance: mean ratio of ANPP over time. Asynchrony occurs when the decline of some species in a community is compensated for by increases among other species resulting in low temporal variability in ANPP. Asynchrony is often positively correlated with species richness. A second theme more often associated with ecosystem ecology assesses sensitivity of ANPP to interannual variation in precipitation. Sensitivity can be measured as the slope of the relationship between annual precipitation and ANPP, where a strong positive slope indicates high sensitivity to variability in precipitation. These two concepts, asynchrony and sensitivity, are potentially contradictory and in need of reconciliation. To do so, analyzed long-term ANPP data from two biodiversity experiments (Cedar Creek and Jena) and a long-term multisite data set from Mongolian grasslands to quantify sensitivity and asynchrony in relationship to species richness and interannual variability in precipitation. The results are surprising.
【个人简介】雒文涛,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所副研究员, 现任辽宁西北部草原生态系统国家定位观测研究站站长,中国科 学 院 青 年 创 新 促 进 会 会 员 , Journal of Ecology 和 Oecologia 责任编委。主要研究植物群落功能性状分布格局与生态系统功能、草原植物群落应对环境变化的重要生态过程与驱动机制,研发退化植被定向快速恢复技术。主持国家自然科学基金3项,以第一或通讯作者在 Ecology、Journal of Ecology、Functional Ecology等期刊发表SCI论文 25篇。提交的 3份资政建议报告分别被全国政协和辽宁省政协采纳。