中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究员,博士生导师。主要研究领域是植物水分生理及对气候变化响应。目前主要研究涉及植物的水力结构、干旱过程中木质部栓塞的发生机理,干旱诱发植物死亡的生理机制等。相关论文发表在Ecology Letters, New Phytologist, Functional Ecology, Agricultural and forest Meteorology, Tree Physiology 等主流期刊。
Frank Sterck
Wageningen University, Netherlands. He included tree responses to climatic and soil conditions. He combines comparative, empirical studies with mechanistic tree modelling, which allows him to scale up the role of responses at different spatial and temporal scales for whole tree growth, survival and, sometimes, reproduction. Currently, he leads a large forest experiment in the Netherlands to show how they can optimize forest management with changing climate and soil conditions for increasing (or maintaining) forest productivity, resilience, carbon storage and biodiversity.