
Cameron Wagg
Dr. Cameron Wagg completed his MSc at the University of Guelph, Canada, on plant-mycorrhizal fungal interactions. In 2013 he completed his PhD (summa cum laude) at the University of Zurich, Switzerland where he looked at the role of soil biodiversity on ecosystem functioning. He then worked with the Jena Biodiversity Experiment (Germany) research consortia assessing the effects of plant diversity on ecosystem functioning and the development of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships over multiple years. Since 2018 Dr. Wagg as been working as a research scientist for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada working on utilizing current knowledge on biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships to promote agroecosystem services and develop ways in which both plant and soil biodiversity can be supported in agriculture while sustaining agricultural productivity.
The role of plant and soil biodiversity on ecosystem functioning and stability
It is well established that increased species diversity can benefit multiple ecosystem functions and services as different species perform different functions within the ecosystem. Additionally  because species respond differently to environmental changes a greater species diversity can stabilize ecosystem functioning as it provides insurance some species will persist under environmental changes to maintain ecosystem functioning. Here I will present results on the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning and stability in a long-term grassland plant diversity experiment (The Jena Experiment) and in soil microbial communities. I will also discuss how we may be able to utilize this knowledge of the role of species diversity in promoting soil health in an agricultural system.

陈宇新,厦门大学环境与生态学院副教授,博士生导师。主要从事植物群落生态学研究,尤其关注生物多样性与生态系统功能关系研究领域中尚存的争议与挑战,以更好地解答生物多样性丢失如何影响生态系统功能、提高生物多样性能否缓解极端气候对生态系统功能的影响等关键问题。相关成果发表于Science、Nature Ecology & Evolution、Nature Communications、Ecology等。现担任eLife期刊生态学方向的审稿编委。
不断降低的生物多样性和不断加剧的气候变化使人们愈加关注生物多样性的丢失会如何影响生态系统功能、提高生物多样性能否缓解极端气候变化对生态系统功能的影响。这些问题也让“生物多样性与生态系统功能关系(biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship, BEF)”研究成为生态学的重要研究领域。历经多年的发展,BEF研究给我们带来了许多新知,但也引出了一些新的问题与挑战。例如,1. 虽然我们研究BEF的一个重要原因是为了更好地预测物种丢失会如何影响生态系统功能,但遗憾的是过去大部分的BEF实验研究都对物种会如何丢失做了过于简化的假设—物种随机丢失,因此,我们对于在现实中更可能发生的物种非随机丢失会如何影响生态系统功能还知道得很少。2. 在短期内,虽然我们发现了植物多样性可以缓解极端气候对生产力的影响,但我们也有很多的证据表明极端气候正在严重威胁植物多样性。若极端气候事件变得愈加频繁,植物多样性的缓解效应能否持续、如何持续,成为亟需探索的问题。本次报告将以植物群落为对象,从物种非随机丢失和群落演化两个角度,对上述两个问题分别展开讨论。