
Angela Moles

Professor Angela Moles is the Director of the Evolution & Ecology Research Centre, a member of the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Advisory Panel, and a board member for the NSW Saving our Species program. She runs the Big Ecology Lab, where she and her students work to improve understanding of: 1) species’ responses to climate change, 2) the ecology and evolution of introduced species, and 3) the factors affecting biogeographic patterns in the ways plants grow and reproduce (including soil, climate and biotic interactions). Angela is passionate about conservation, science communication, and quality teaching. She has won a range of prizes, including the Nancy Millis Medal for Women in Science (from the Australian Academy of Science), the Australian Ecology Research Award (awarded by the Ecological Society of Australia), and the Frank Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year (one of the Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science).


陈思翀,研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院武汉植物园宏观生态学学科组组长,入选国家海外高层次人才项目和中科院人才引进计划。主要从事种子生态学和动植物关系的宏观生态、进化和自然地理学研究, 在大尺度上探究植物多样性格局和生命策略。在Ecology Letters、Global Ecology and Biogeography、New Phytologist等主流期刊发表论文三十余篇,担任Oikos期刊的编委和Frontiers in Plant Science期刊“种子功能生态学”特辑的客座编辑,以及三十余份国际期刊的审稿人。