
1. 时间
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3. 日程
09:00-09:50 The Australian Acoustic Observatory: Challenges, Successes and Lessons Learnt along the Way
Professor Paul Roe, School of Computer Science, QUT, Brisbane, Australia
09:50-10:00 交流环节
10:00-10:30 声景大数据采集及其应用研究
李春明 副研究员 中国科学院城市环境科学研究所  
10:30-10:40 交流环节
10:40-11:10 被动声学监测在翼手目动物研究中的应用和进展
江廷磊 教授 东北师范大学
11:10-11:20 交流与总结
4. 报告人介绍

Paul Roe 
Dr. Paul Roe is a Professor of Computer Science at QUT, and Head of School. Paul is an expert in ecoacoustic monitoring; for the past 12 years his group has been researching how acoustics can be used to scale environmental monitoring. His team has developed novel hardware devices and software tools for collecting and analysing big acoustic data. This has included tools for recognising fauna calls, browsing and analysing whole sounds capes and for high throughput acoustics analysis. Paul leads the Australian Acoustic Observatory from Australian Research Council (ARC) LIEF project,which consists of more than 400 continuously recording sensors deployed over Australia. He has run local and international symposia on ecoacoustics in 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2022. He has published more than 200 fully peer reviewed papers and supervised 12 HDR students to completion, and he has an H-index of 37.
The Australian Acoustic Observatory (A2O) was created five years ago, a unique infrastructure to monitor vocal fauna across Australia using a network of solar powered acoustic recorders. The goal was to transform environmental science by recording vocal species 24/7, providing spatial and temporal data for ecosystem monitoring and research. The project was designed to enable continental scale environmental monitoring, and the data generated was made freely available to all online, enabling new science in understanding ecosystems, long-term environmental change, data visualisation and acoustic science. In this talk I will present the project, how it came about, the challenges, successes and lessons learnt along the way.


江廷磊,东北师范大学环境学院教授,博士生导师。长期从事动物生态学研究和教学工作,研究方向为动物行为和进化生态学。针对兽类,尤其夜空中唯一真正会飞的翼手目动物——蝙蝠,开展了以声信号特征和功能为基础,以食性生态位宽度进化为核心,以物种多样性保护和害虫监测防治为目标的科学研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金和省部级项目7项,作为主要参与者参加多项国家和省部级项目。先后在Science Advances、PNAS、iScience、Movement Ecology、Ecological Indicators等学科主流SCI期刊发表第一或通讯作者论文50余篇,参编学术专著2部。
