
时间: 2022年6月20日(周一)


ID: 893-863-611


17:00-17:35 Deadwood – a key feature for biodiversity and carbon cycling

报告人:Sebastian Seibold, Technical University of Munich & Berchtesgaden Nationalpark, Germany

17:35-17:50 提问

17:50-18:25 海拔梯度的群落构建和生态系统功能:横断山区森林群落为例

报告人:罗亚皇, 中国科学院昆明植物研究所

18:25-18:40 提问


Sebastian Seibold


Dr. Sebastian Seibold studied Forest Science at the Technical University of Munich, Germany (2006-2012) and earned his PhD in ecology about biodiversity associated with deadwood from the same university (2016). He worked as a postdoc with the US Forest Service, at the University of Toronto and within the Biodiversity-Exploratories Project in Germany. He is now senior scientist at the Technical University of Munich and Co-Head of Research at Berchtesgaden National park, Germany.


Deadwood – a key feature for biodiversity and carbon cycling


Biodiversity is habitat for approximately 30% of all forest species and has thus recently gained more attention in nature conservation and forest management programs. Moreover, deadwood represents an important carbon pool and thus, a detailed understanding of the drivers of deadwood decomposition is needed to parametrize global carbon models and to make predictions how climate and biodiversity change will alter carbon cycles. Based on a global experiment, the global annual carbon release from deadwood was estimated to reach 11 Pg and 29% of the global carbon release from deadwood was associated with the activity of insect decomposers. Both total decomposition rates and the contribution of insects to deadwood decomposition depend strongly on temperature and precipitation. Insects strongly accelerate decomposition in the tropics, but have neutral or even slight negative effects in temperate and boreal forests. More detailed analyses of the effects of insect biodiversity on wood decomposition using mesocosms indicate that insects affect decomposition both via direct positive effects of insect diversity as well as via indirect effects through insect-microbe interactions.



罗亚皇,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,副研究员。2016年获云南大学博士学位,2016-2019年在中国科学院昆明植物研究所从事博士后研究。2021年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会会员。目前从事群落生态学的研究,重点关注海拔梯度的群落构建和多样性-生态系统功能关系研究。相关成果发表在Ecology LettersEcologyJournal of Biogeography等期刊上。




山地生态系统拥有丰富的生物多样性,具有重要的生态服务功能,在人类社会生存与发展中具有重要作用。海拔梯度是山地生态系统中最典型的环境梯度之一,是诸多生态因子的综合体现,是影响山地生物多样性和生态系统功能的重要因素。报告人围绕“群落构建及多样性-生态系统功能”主题,以横断山地区的玉龙雪山和高黎贡山海拔梯度森林样带为研究平台探究:1.森林垂直群落的构建和生态系统功能的差异性;2.外生菌根多样性对森林碳储量和生态系统多功能性的影响;3. 多营养级多样性和共线网络复杂性在生态系统多功能维持的重要性。

